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How to Overcome the Communication Barriers for Remote Teams

Remote work became part of the organizational practice allowing to work from home and to attract employees from different regions. But, it also has difficulty, especially in communication. Any organization that seeks how to overcome the communication barriers for remote teams must learn how to handle the challenges arising from poor communication barriers. They come up with specific steps that have been implemented to improve communication between different systems among employees working remotely.

A major requirement when working with a virtual remote team is communication, especially when it faces various hurdles. Indeed, through communication everyone is kept on the same page, thus avoiding miscommunication that is likely to cause disruption.


  • For the management of remote teams, communication is very crucial and plays an important factor.
  • Virtual teams need good and effective systems as a tool in the working process.
  • It is about the development of clear communication protocols to avoid confusion in distanced settings.
  • The practice of active listening and empathy is also very useful for having better communication and creating strong teams.
  • Culture and simplicity lessen language issues involved in having teams from different regions.

What Are Virtual Teams?

Virtual teams are made up of people who work independently, many times, they may be situated in different regions and even countries. The main argument used is that these teams work within complex environments whereby they have to rely on digital communication technologies to accomplish their objectives. Virtual teams, on the other hand, come with various advantages such as flexibility and cost-effectiveness; they present certain challenges, especially concerning communication. As found out by Buffer, 20% of the employees stated that they experience some challenges in collaborating and communicating with each other across the workplace.

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Effective Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers in Remote Teams

I realized the need for timely and effective communication as one of the critical ways of overcoming barriers slowing down the efficiency of remote teams. Here are some of the strategies.

1. Utilize Technology Effectively

Technology is the key infrastructure and enabler of remote team communication. Choosing the right tools is crucial for improving and enhancing communications with the members of your team.

  • Choose the Right Communication Tools

The communication tools that are used should be carefully selected. Slack or Microsoft Teams, which are the new generation instant messaging systems, are particularly good for a quick chat while Zoom or Google Meet are good for a more personal face-to-face conversation. A study reveals that 89% of remote employees claim that when using video conferencing, it makes them feel connected with their teams.

  • Benefits of Real-Time Tools

There are different elements and features in such systems, but the most important are the presence of real-time modes of communication including live chats and instant messages, which greatly contribute to minimizing delays and providing fast responses. All of these are helpful especially when different team members work at different times, in different time zones. McKinsey’s analysis shows that by using collaboration tools, companies saw productivity gains between 20% and 25%.

  • Top Tool Recommendations

Most top recommended tools are those that ease communication, collaboration and project management for people working in different locations, such as these:

  1. Slack: Suitable for types of messages that are sent through channels and immediate notifications.
  2. Zoom: Proper for video conferences and virtual projects.
  3. Trello: Allows for an easy way to manage projects and keep track of how much a team has accomplished.
  4. Google Workspace: Provides a set of applications to ensure smooth teamwork, such as Google Meet for initiating meetings, including video ones, and Google Drive for managing documents.
  5. Great for effective coordination of projects and tasks.

2. Establish Clear Communication Guidelines

When there is no specific set of rules, it is easy for communication to degenerate into a messy affair in remote teams, which is not healthy for the teams.

  • Define Communication Frequency

Consistency is another benefit that is achieved when a schedule for the communication process is established. For example, daily stand-up meetings or weekly reviews might bring everyone to the same level of understanding and make sure one doesn’t forget about the others about some crucial information.

  • Create Protocols for Scenarios

Various situations call for specific communication approaches. For instance, an emergency may require a call while general updates may be conveyed through mail. These protocols assist the team members in understanding how best to have the communication given certain circumstances.
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  • Ensure Message Consistency

It’s important to maintain continuity as much as possible, especially when communicating with clients or persons outside the organization. Having standard templates for composing emails and standard formats for different types of reports can contribute to the process of achieving the organizational tone and structure.
The Association for Talent Development conducted a survey in which 83% of business leaders said that communication is the most critical asset of managers.

3. Promote Active Listening and Engagement

One of the elements that need to be practiced as a way of communicating is active listening. It helps to maintain communication through checking each other’s understanding which becomes especially important when working remotely.

  • Active Listening Techniques

Applying the different techniques of active listening can greatly reduce misunderstandings between people. Check for understanding by asking the members to repeat what they have understood or come up with questions on the information that was passed. More importantly, this practice not only validates the understanding of the material but also cultivates a culture of listening and valuing the contributions of one another in a team.

  • Encourage Team Feedback

Such aspects can be identified routinely in the feedback sessions held with the workers of an organization, and opportunities for change can be taken. It is possible to ask the team members to fill in anonymous questionnaires or participate in open discussions where they won’t hesitate to express sincere opinions. A Gallup study established that companies that use real-time feedback methods experience a 14.9% increase in employee engagement compared to those that don’t.

  • Empathy in Understanding

Emotional understanding is useful when it comes to comprehending other people’s hardships and viewpoints to form better and more productive relationships. I have found that encouraging team members to be empathetic positively boosts the quality of communication within a team.

4. Address Cultural and Language Differences

Communication barriers are also imperative in global virtual teams because there are different cultures and languages used. Concerns that it raises have to be taken more proactively.

  • Respect Cultural Diversity

Working in culturally diverse teams requires the notion of cultural sensitivity when interacting with other team members. Giving cultural awareness training to the team can assist them in understanding other modes of communication and avoiding misconceptions.
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  • Use Simple Language

Using plain language when communicating can minimize misunderstandings that come with something being lost in translation, especially when team members have different first languages. That means that all the information should be presented in plain language so that all the participants can easily follow the process.

  • Employ Translation Tools

Translation tools such as Google Translate are useful for teams where language barriers are likely to be a problem. However, a double-check of the translated messages is warranted to ensure a clear understanding of the intended message.
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5. Foster a Collaborative and Inclusive Environment

The success of remote teams requires open communication and sharing of ideas hence the need for a collaborative environment.

  • Foster Trust and Safety

Probably the most important factor, especially in working with a remote team, is trust. Promote accountability and set up structures that enable team members to express ideas, opinions, and/or issues they may encounter. A study carried out revealed that business leaders with the following three personality attributes instil confidence in the workforce. Three traits of trust, referred to as ‘trust traits’ here are consistency, leadership, and positive relationships. Given these three characteristics, your remote work policy should have them. You can earn the trust of your remote team when you display trust traits during some important processes within the working process of the team.

  • Encourage Informal Chat

Discussions introduce possibilities of friendly relations thus enhancing proper interrelation within a specific team. Possibilities to organize virtual coffee breaks or informal communication that are characteristic of working in an office can be effective. It is also for this reason that the authors highlight the importance of defining workplace relations as informal communication to foster a feeling that all is well among distributed teams.

  • Use Team-Building Activities

Virtual exercises can also be effective in bringing the team together and fostering better relations and collaboration among its members. Such activities build up people’s feelings and may also promote togetherness that augurs well with collaboration. According to Harvard Business Review, groups that interact socially through coffee breaks, for example, as well as other team-building activities are more motivated to do their work and are therefore 15% more productive.

6. Provide Training and Resources

Equip your team with appropriate tools and types of training that will help them become more efficient in their job and work in a remote setting effectively.

  • Offer Communication Training

Offering your employees communication training will significantly improve how they interface with one another, especially in a virtual environment. Seminars that cover topics like listening, writing, and working with different platforms can make team members communicate more efficiently and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

  • Share Remote Work Best Practices

Best practices in the remote work policy assist in making sure that the team is productive and working in harmony despite a physical disconnect. Some simple recommendations to your team members include time management, having clear schedules, and using tools to assist with communication.

An Image text"Pie chart showing 22% of remote workers find unplugging from work to be the biggest challenge of working remotely, source: Buffer. With the Keach Assistants Logo."

  • Promote Continuous Learning

Promote education and training by providing opportunities to connect with online courses, webinars, and other educational content. It has been seen that learning is a continuous process and the millennials are especially inclined towards job satisfaction matters like development opportunities. It also enables the team members to be up-to-date with industry trends while ensuring that the team members are continually learning and growing.

How to Manage Virtual Teams?

Coordinating virtual teams goes beyond addressing common challenges like communication and time zone differences. A successful approach should focus on building trust, setting clear expectations, and prioritizing Managing Virtual Teams to smoothly transition from traditional office setups to remote work environments. For more in-depth guidance, our article covers these topics in detail.
Moreover, Reasons You Need to Hire a Keach Virtual Assistant Now explain how our assistants can help you to organize a virtual team as they are responsible for communication and organizational challenges.

Overcome Virtual Team Challenges With Keach Assistants

Keach Assistants is dedicated to helping businesses tackle the challenges that arise when employing remote workers. Our virtual assistants are adept at addressing potential to effective communication, ensuring that you stay connected with your team regardless of distance. By focusing on Overcoming Virtual Team Challenges, Keach Assistants leverage extensive experience to manage communication, time, and cultural issues effectively, supporting any team in maintaining productivity and cohesion


Effectively overcoming communication barriers for remote teams is important for keeping performance levels high and every team member included. It is evident that if organizations embrace the right communication tools and create a culture that supports working from home, the challenges resulting from remote working will be well addressed. Ongoing training, which is accompanied by insistence on empathy and active listening, enhances these approaches and makes the team more integrated and productive. Theodore Roosevelt once said,

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”

This applies to remote teams particularly where interpersonal relations is a crucial factor in the success of the team. Keach Assistants can help with such issues to offer the efficient management of communication within virtual teams.



What are common communication barriers in remote teams?
Some challenges include failure to work during the same time zone, cross-cultural differences, and the absence of physical communication.

What is the challenge of working in virtual teams?
The main issue is that people need to be aware of what is going on in the organization both in terms of space and time.

What strategies can improve communication in culturally diverse teams?
Some of the approaches are culturally sensitive features, simple language, and the utility of translation-based techniques wherever required.

What tools can help overcome communication barriers in remote teams?
Platforms such as Slack, Zoom, and Asana help develop organized communication and ensure that employees do not miss important announcements.

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